国际设计协会IAD(International Association of Design)终身会员
"Brand reverse positioning" the first person
Winner of the World's highest DESIGN Achievement Award from A 'Design Italy
Lifetime member of the International Association of Design (IAD)
Work experience:
Dingshang Tiancheng brand planning
Honor list:
DAC世界设计师排名 186位
Pentawards 全球银奖(2022年品牌标识与包装设计类别中国区最高奖项)
意大利A'DESIGN AWARD全球设计大奖获得者
荣膺意大利A’DESIGN AWARD全球设计大奖
荣获法国双面神GPDP AWARD国际设计大奖
DAC is ranked 186th in the world for designers
Pentawards Global Silver Award (the highest award in China in the Brand Identity and Packaging Design category 2022)
Winner of the Italian A'DESIGN AWARD Global DESIGN AWARD
Full member of IAD International Designers Association
Won the Italian A 'Design AWARD for Global DESIGN
Won the French Janus GPDP AWARD for International Design