

Good office space design makes work more comfortable,

In the office space,

The design should take care of People's Daily reception,

Office, negotiation, discussion and other needs!

Minimalist office space design has become increasingly popular in recent years,

The simpler the more it stands the test of time,

The more pure more stand the precipitation of years.

The elevator wall in the background is integrated with the door with artistic paint to make the space quiet and humble. A humble mind is like the flower of a weed. It does not laugh at the world outside, nor does it care about its ridicule. We see the most beautiful things when we are honest as clear water.

Remove excess clutter

Simplicity and purity

It has the power to move people

It's a place where ideas can run free

Passion can be unleashed here

They came from far and wide

Through the world, return is still a teenager

The floor material at the entrance is raised and treated

with black art paint

Become the bright spot of space

This defamiliarization of the known is a creation

The texture of red art paint in the distance

Keep this area simple

There is no lack of visual impact

Develop the wind of simplicity to the extreme

The design of whole French window, let the space be suddenly enlightened

The garden unfolded like a picture

There is more communication between man and nature

Office space connects the emotional feelings of employeesAlso records the imprint of the company's growthThe glory of the past, the direction of the presentEach step is the upward force of the convergence of personal values and corporate valuesWith minimalist line lighting, natural growth of green plants as the connection of the spaceCreate a harmonious and warm office space

Simple and soft neutral tonesBring a clean and refreshing lookWith a unique sense of comfort to create a decompression and calm atmosphere for employeesSpacious water bar brings comfortable experienceShow the intimate care to the staff in detail

Simple and clean layoutFoil gives the space atmosphere of composed simple senseCrisp screen background wallExudes calm and rational energy

Like books, space carries the life and inner world of a person and an era. They receive from nature all kinds of troubles, struggles, disappointments, anxieties, grudges and sorrows from the initiation to steady maturity of life, and also contain their joy, satisfaction, victory, harvest and praise. Faithfully recorded the agitation and peace in the process of life, by gorgeous and dull. Is also their motionless, express any emotional excitement in life, will fade. If we love life enough, we shouldn't be afraid to try.

Take inspiration from the sense of light

Integrating art into design

Sentiment and scenery, meaning and image

Light and shadow miss melodious, show the essence of space beauty

The uniqueness of light to create a new space

Feel the beauty of art at the same time

You can also feel the space of your own existence

An art space created with light

On the whole the same material and aluminum alloy line mix

Tonal quite layered sense

The space is full of new ideas, vitality and texture

The overall tone is warm and quiet earth color, bringing a sense of tranquility and away from the hustle and bustle

The interior of the mezzanines compares with the simplicity of the small mezzanines

More work on color

In addition to the basic white with dark furniture

The bright dark grey and red background wall is also a special design

Hard and soft, cold and warm blend collision unexpectedly good-looking

Art comes from life, and life feels natural

Many people want to make life art, natural and comfortable

The frescoes in the corridors enhance the size of the space visually

Give a person good psychological suggestion, thereby eliminate depressive feeling

As urbanization spreads to more green Spaces,

there is less and less room for contemporary people to indulge

People clearly see urban angst and emptiness

The designer painted the wall green

Let you fully feel the endless design beauty of the bathroom

What show you gives a very bright between wei yu.

The wooden walls complement each other with soft, textured art paint

The intuitive feeling brought by the walls is represented by the prestige of the interior with elegant decoration

Recreate the effect of silk and pearlescent tones

The space looks fresh and natural, even after a busy day's work

Can also instantly eliminate the feeling of fatigue.

The light luxury style has a touch of nobility

Artistic lacquer collocation decorates a picture to serve as setting wall, noble breath rolls on the face

With textured SLATE dining table

The luxury of the whole space has skyrocketed

The reflective properties of metal and matte red are used to create the front background wall


A kind of ancient ways and classic delicate tonal,


can give a person a kind of comfortable inside collect feeling


Metallic is very bright, but matte red has a plain texture


Put in toilet color collocation, have a distinctive visual effect.

Through clever changes of light and shadow, light and dark contrast

Make the whole building full of interest and vitality

Bring excellent visual effect

Line lamp brings light space

While enriching the spatial context, it also creates a visual sense of light and shade levels and contrast between virtual and real




主设计师:Johnson强森   崔志昊


参与设计:季晓刚 杨智博   高秀芹 陈帅语


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