

By highlighting the theme of “revisit to the Republic of China”, the design has perfectly combined the style of the Republic of China and modern elements with simple and vibrant style, in order to reflect retro feelings besides creating an elegant and exquisite space.

Old and new cultures, and humanistic spirit and independent thought in the collision and integration of eastern and western cultures are used in the interior space design. In the Republic of China, people started to respect a social life status integrated with personality, strength of character, breeding, freedom, equality, transparency and elegance, which gave birth to a special spirit after long-term cultivation. The spirit was applied internally and externally, contributing to “a style of the Republic of China” with modern aesthetic taste and strong academic atmosphere.

As a typical landmark in the downtown area in the Republic of China, the bell tower has been placed in the central square of the sharing lobby. The square is designed to miniature city construction in the Republic of China. The sharing lobby is used as lobby bar and all-day dining restaurant of Steigenbergericons and Steigenberger Hotel, with soft magnetic materials for façade in order to bring the typical style in the Republic of China, create a block in that style and bring people’s memories back to that different and romantic era with the bell rings.

The art lobby is decorated with elegant rotary stairs, exquisite Western streamline and checkerboard type stone pavement. Under the elegant dome there is an artistic ceiling lamp, which is retro and fashionable. The lamp is surrounded by arched windows in extremely orderly manner. Each element used here typically reflects the style in that special period of time.



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