Chengdu Wenjiang Fengxi Yunjin Real Estate Sale Center


  • Jinhui Fengqi Yunjing, streamer magic, Xiangyang new life
  • -- New IP derivative scheme · Jinhui Chengdu Wenjiang Fengqi Yunjing Sales Office
  • The charm of the sun is that there is a heat, a light.
  • Through everything, there is both the natural order of the present, and the endless beautiful future.
  • The Chengdu Jinhui · Fengqi Yunjing Project, which was built with the participation of Micro Studio Design, takes "light" as the core clue to transform the brand new IP "Sunshine Xiaorui" image of the enterprise. Aiming at the new start of the ten-year strategy of Jinhui Group, to rebuild the corporate brand image, interpret the city light of Chengdu Wenjiang, and show the natural light of morning and evening; Create a comfortable, natural, livable new direction of urban life. The project is located in Chengdu Wenjiang Chuangzhi prosperous, quiet and far away from the dust of the city.
  • The design of the microchamber captures the rich texture of sunlight in different periods and integrates the original spirit of Jinhui Group. Derived a lovely "sunshine" IP image, at the same time throughout the whole Fengqi Yunjing project. From welcoming residents to come, nature into the life of the "streamer magic color, toward the sun new" core concept.
  • The changing image of "Sunshine Xiaorui" leads people in the space to explore a living art about light and shadow. Avatar in the lobby at a glance to see the messenger, the children's fun and true filled with the whole children's activity area, guide children to read as a habit gradually grow up. With the natural and peaceful fragrance, it passes the halo device with the regional characteristics of Chengdu. In front of me is the sunset of the designer in the entrance hall. Whenever I return home, the front is gentle and bright.
  • Come on! Please follow the "sunshine" together, have a look at the wonderful Chengdu Jinhui.
  • Coming here,
  • It's your vision of the light and the future.
  • Sales Office foyer & Halo device
  • Before approaching the entrance, "Sunshine little Rui" scampered to the entrance to meet us. With a warm and hopeful tone and linear design, the reception and sand table at the beginning of the sales office have both ornamental and functional significance.
  • Located in areas such as the entrance and the service desk, the "Sunshine Rui" fills every corner with the magic of light, reflecting the special moment of ordinary life.
  • The high reception area, the top floor of the bright design makes the whole space have a transparent feeling in the light, the front of the light is also open. Is unique in the outstanding, in the indifferent to find the distance.
  • Looking to the left of the entrance, it is a group of sculptural installations with the theme of halo. Chengdu is a city where the old and the new are integrated. Just like the day around the clock, always moving forward. The semi-arc sculpture is suspended in the air on the marble floor, which is an open attitude and inclusive emotion. A beam of light above, the eyes are soaked with orange tenderness, is the heart like the appearance.
  • The designer will be full of Chengdu Hell characteristics of the characters, in the form of engraved, engraved on the solid wood installation. The changing irradiation of multi-angle lights creates a special light and shadow effect. All the days don't need to be bright, just wish here all the good times.
  • Make reading a habit
  • May you grow up slowly
  • 02 Children's activity Area & Bookshelf facade
  • Step into the children's activity area, whether children or adults, can feel the vitality brought by color. The design of the micro-room starts with the "Sunshine Little Rui" holding a balloon. The picture of the children's activity area is spread out. The half-pack bookshelf facade reflects the attention to the importance of children's reading.
  • Tong Qu, authentic, pure, rich color, full of interesting design, showing the subversion of the rules of the future, guide children to read as a habit. Let your knowledge help you become the master of your future, reduce the amount of time you spend glued to your devices, and grow up step by step.
  • The whole bookshelf is made of colorful acrylic layers, and the bookshelves are placed in rows of beige and gray, highlighting the texture of the structure. Moderate height, within reach of all hands, with a good book.
  • The "Sunshine Little Rui" that can be seen everywhere can accompany the child to read many books and walk farther. This is a way to love and be loved by many. Not only from the foot of the land, through the sea of people; Also through reading in the spiritual world of the highlands, across the mountains, lakes and seas.
  • Happiness comes from every detail
  • 03 Water bar & Negotiation area
  • See now maybe a little tired, fast and "sunshine" sit comfortably in the water bar. Just like Sunshine Ray in rows on the bar, you can sit in rows here. "Sunshine Rui" in this space is presented with silver glasses, a simple and refreshing. Lower hanging geometry strip lamp group, a minimalist aesthetic sense of pragmatism.
  • Located in the back half of the negotiation office, adjacent to the water plants, derived to the secondary entrance. The scattered sofa and seats are the most relaxed area in the eyes of Yang Guang Rui. Everything beautiful is for a better life, where you can rest, but also can unabashadly intimate communication, restore the most free self.
  • The twilight that does not set
  • Tenderness and light lie ahead
  • 04 Entrance hall
  • In front of the designer in the entrance lobby to keep the sunset dusk, called home. Not just static, but spontaneous. The designer believes that the depiction of the space is reflective and tends to be visible to those who see it. This unsetting dusk, placed in the front of the entrance hall, tells that whenever you return home, the front is gentle and bright.
  • And it's not just you
  • But also a heart of home
  • 05 D1 unit &B1 unit model room
  • D1 house advocates the fashion of art, comfortable white, wisdom brown. Emphasize the quality of life and fashion sense. The space is mainly gray suede and brown smooth surface as the keynote, metal leather marble and other materials to show delicacy and quality.
  • From the perspective of rational and wise residents, this house is full of quiet and thinking direction, deducing the modernist space design. Micro-room design gives soft clothing connotation, everywhere around the embodiment of life quality, in the ultimate charm to create a simple and light luxury home experience.
  • With metal leather, stone and other materials of interior furniture, to create a minimalist and light luxury life concept. The space structure is full of light, the guest dining room is open, and the master bedroom is atmospheric. Black, white and gray modern style, add a touch of dark red, create more thinking for the space, simple is not simple. Focus on the demand for beauty, combined with the collision of material and color, quality in the display of attitude.
  • Unit B1 faces the theme of natural forest House, like spring light, light yellow, natural green. From the beginning of stepping into the space, the "sunshine Xiao Rui" who always accompanies life leads the future of life. The space is wood veneer, with beige as the main tone, corrugated glass and other materials to show the space relaxed and natural.
  • From the perspective of intelligent and energetic residents, this house deduces the individualistic space design in a simple and warm way.
  • The intention of the micro-room design is to create a return to nature lifestyle and a modern natural home space on the soft decoration.
  • The combination of interior furniture made of cotton, hemp and rattan creates a theme concept of "slow down". Very bright "yellow and green" color collision, is the Pantone's main color this year. Focus on the material and color combination of more possibilities, bring a tactile surprise and visual impact to the residents.

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